Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) has a vision for a sustainable and integrated transport system that supports liveable communities (Toowoomba Region Sustainable Transport Strategy).
To achieve this, the provision of a connected network to encourage people to choose active transport is critical.
The study area for this particular project is identified as a Principal Cycle Route in the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) Principal Cycle Network Plan.
This corridor will link the planned TMR Karrool Street project to the existing West Creek corridor in the CBD.
The project is jointly funded by state and local government.
During early January 2024, Council consulted with residents and stakeholders on the high-level concept plans which were developed to fit the preferred route. You can still view the concept designs on the document library on this page.
The team thanks all those that took the time to contribute and give comments.
The next stage, which will be the detailed design, will include further traffic and survey investigations to further the design and to develop solutions at the key intersections and road crossings. This stage will require additional funding. The timing for this is unknown. There will be additional advice when this takes place.
Project progress - 2023 preferred route selection
During March-April 2023, Council invited comments on three proposed routes:
- Anzac Avenue and Hill Street
- Anzac Avenue and Herries Street
- Anzac Avenue, Vacy Street and Goggs Street
From the feedback received and investigations undertaken, Council has developed a concept plan for the preferred route via Anzac Avenue and Hill Street. Proposed treatments along this route include:
- Shared paths and separated cycle tracks to provide safe spaces for people to ride, walk and scoot along Anzac Avenue and Hill Street.
- Reduced speed zones for a safe active street along parts of Hill Street.
- Raised pedestrian crossings at key locations.
Changes to several intersections, including Hursley Road and Anzac Avenue and West Street, at Hill Street are also being further investigated, but have not been finalised. These locations will have proposed treatments developed as the project progresses.
Glenvale to CBD Active Transport Corridor Investigation - preferred route

Glenvale to CBD Active Transport Corridor Investigation - Preferred route
What did we consider when selecting this route?
The considerations we used to assist in choosing this route.
When Council is deciding where an active transport corridor should run, there are a number of factors we take into account:
- How direct is the route?
- How easy/comfortable would it be to ride?
- How safe is it?
- How convenient is the route in terms of access to popular destinations?
- What room do we have on the existing road and footpath corridors?
- What is the traffic volume on these roads?
- How easy is it to navigate?