Feedback for this project has finished. Thank you to everyone who responded to our short survey which closed on 25 July 2022.
There will be further updates regarding the project in the coming months.
About the project
Toowoomba Regional Council has commenced designing a new facility for Greenmount and surrounding districts to replace the existing landfill which is nearing capacity.
The new Greenmount Waste Management Facility will be the Region’s second Tier 2 facility and will be the major transfer facility for the southern area of Toowoomba Region.
The proposed design is based on the principles of the Greater Toowoomba Waste Management Facility, modified to suit the requirements of Greenmount and the surrounding communities.
Being developed as part of the Waste Infrastructure Plan in order to deliver TRC’s Waste Management Strategy, the new facility will be constructed on the same site as the existing landfill.
The new facility at Greenmount is the next step in delivering Council’s Waste Strategy. This strategy will ultimately help council transition to reuse as much of our waste products as possible and help us deliver on the State Government target for 90% of all waste generated to be redirected from landfill by 2050.
We are asking the community to provide feedback and comments on the design.
What are waste transfer facilities?
Waste transfer facilities are a cleaner, neater and tidier waste solution. Waste is stored on pavement, and transported to landfill locations offsite, reducing the extent of odour, dust, and animal/rodent control required. Litter prevention controls are put in place to contain windblown litter from the facility and prevent it from entering drains. Transfer facilities reduce the impacts to the community associated with landfill activity as well as ensuring environmental compliance.
Greenmount Waste Management Facility Flythrough
Note: This video does not have audio.
Further information?
As the project progresses, Council will continue to provide updates. If you have any further queries about this project, please contact Council on 131 872 quoting ‘Greenmount Waste Management Facility Upgrade’ .
Frequently Asked Questions about the project
- 1. What is the number of bays at each of the offloading areas?
- 2. Do I have to go through every area even if I’m not dropping anything off?
- 3. What materials will be collected at the recycling stations?
- 4. What recycling/landfill facilities will be available to the community during decommissioning of the old landfill and the construction of the new facility?
- 5. What is the expected life span of this site and what growth has been catered for?
- 6. What happens when we decommission the former landfill site as far as potential energy generation from landfill gas emissions?