Feedback closed midnight, Monday 3 March 2025. Council thanks residents for their submissions and feedback.

We remind the community this document distributed is a draft document for the purpose of community consultation and all submissions received will be considered as part of this master planning process.

The Central Highfields Masterplan will be revised and adopted only after Council has considered the community feedback.

Revised Central Highfields Masterplan

Council wants your feedback on the Central Highfields Masterplan

Highfields is a thriving and growing urban hub. In the coming years, several thousand more people will call this beautiful part of our region home.

In late 2017, Council purchased a 45-hectare area of land at the corner of Highfields and O’Brien Roads to provide a future town centre for Highfields. The new town centre will offer a wide range of goods, services and accommodation options to cater for anticipated growth and the changing needs of the community.

In 2018, Council endorsed the Highfields Central Master Plan, which included three options for the future layout and use of the land. The master planning process included community workshops, which clearly revealed a strong desire for a modern, accessible, connected and safe town centre.

Council has collated the community feedback and used this information to update the Central Highfields Master Plan. The key changes to the masterplan include:

  • Preservation of open space
  • A tree-lined boulevard along Highfields and O’Brien roads to enhance pedestrian comfort, improve the visual appeal, provide a pleasant interface between the roads and the commercial centre, and reduce urban heat impacts.
  • Additional detail in the future residential areas by designating areas of medium density housing and low-density housing.
  • Additional consideration of the layout for the retail and commercial areas, including a ‘High Street’ activation area.
  • A designated public transport hub adjacent to the commercial centre, which will include park and ride facilities and links to active transport routes.
  • Increased the number of active transport connections to improve the walkability and connectivity throughout the precinct.
  • A Civic Space designation in a central location, providing a focal area for future community activities.
  • Changes to allow for future expansion of the existing Queensland Fire and Rescue station.
  • Designation of an area to accommodate a proposed health precinct.
  • Additional detail for the proposed street layout including improved links to existing roads.

We are now seeking comments from the community about the revised Highfields Central Master Plan. Your feedback will continue to shape the long-term vision for the emerging Highfields Central Business District.

Background information:

Early works are underway for the upgrades to intersections of Highfields, Kratzke and O’Brien roads, which is linked to this Masterplan. You can find out more about the project here:

Survey below

Project History

Council worked in partnership with the Highfields community in developing the Central Highfields Master Plan with feedback received throughout the three stages of community engagement between October 2017 and June 2018 contributing to the development of the final Master Plan.

Stage One Community Engagement Feedback

The first of three stages of extensive community engagement was held during October/November last year with over 200 people providing their thoughts on the values and vision that will shape the development of the master plan. A report documenting feedback (Stage 1 Community Engagement Report) has been produced and is available in the documents library.

Stage Two Community Engagement Feedback

Feedback received during stage one was used to develop seven community values, 20 development principles and three master plan options that were made available for community comment in March 2018.

You can find information on the community values, development principles and the master plan options in the documents library under 'Stage Two Consultation' (CHMP Stage 2 Consultation). Please note that this document has been designed for printing at A3.

Over 200 people again provided their feedback. A report documenting that feedback (Stage 2 Community Engagement Report) has been produced and is available in the documents library.

Stage Three Community Engagement

Feedback received during stage two community engagement has been used to develop a draft final master plan that was available for comment until Sunday 3 June, 2018.

Six workshops were held during the week commencing May 28 to allow community members to participate in the final refinement of the draft master plan. The workshops provided:

- details on the feedback received during the second stage of consultation;

- an explanation of the draft final master plan; and

- an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback about possible refinements.

Community members also had the opportunity to contact the project team or email feedback up until 3 June 2018.

A report documenting feedback (Stage 3 Community Engagement Report) has been produced and is available in the documents library.

Council thanks community members for taking part in the consultation process and for their valuable feedback.

Adoption of the Master Plan

The final master plan, incorporating community feedback, was adopted by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 17 July 2018. Two changes were made to the draft master plan as a consequence of feedback received during stage 3 community engagement. Those changes were:

- the incorporation of pedestrian/cycle paths running 'north/south' through the proposed open space and 'east/west' between Clarke Road and Highfields Road; and

- a realignment of the proposed Main Street to the 'south' so that the fire station does not directly back onto it.

A copy of the final master plan and the July Council report are available in the documents library.

Do you have a question?

Should you have any further queries about his project, please contact Council at or on 131 872.