
THORNVILLE – Festival of Small Halls 13 December

1 February 2019

Thanks to the Queensland Government’s Drought Support Package funding, TRC’s Community Development team brought the Festival of Small Halls Summer Tour to seven small towns across the region, with all funds raised from ticket sales and catering going directly to the local hall committees. The concert brings international, national and local musicians to perform for one night of music and fun and is produced by the team that co-ordinates the Woodford Folk Festival.

The Thornville Hall sits perched above the New England Highway in the heart of farming country, where it has overseen the changes in the community for the last 78 years. With a population of 26, the Hall Committee was stoked when the final attendance tally for the festival reached 106. The children enjoyed the free activities which included face painting, jumping castles and a visit from Santa and his sleigh. It was a wonderful celebration for the local community.

Thornville Hall was the last of the Summer Tour performances in the TRC region with Australian artist Lucy Wise and Canadian banjo songster Old Man Luedecke. Congratulations to CDO Lisa Goodman for her great work supporting the local committee with the event, and to the other TRC staff who assisted on the day.