
With thanks to Councils volunteers!

12 January 2018

Close to 200 volunteers from across the region were recognised for their extraordinary service during the Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) Volunteer Years of Service morning tea at the Armitage Centre.

Across our region our volunteers give back to the community year after year, for the common good and without financial gain, volunteers have the best interests of the community at heart and are an indispensable part of Council operations.

Here are some of the awesome stats!

  • Hampton Visitor Information Centre volunteers clock up 2876 hours per year – that’s two volunteers per day minus Christmas Day and Good Friday.
  • The larger Toowoomba Visitor Information Centre volunteers contribute just under 10,000 hours per year – that equates to five full time workers.
  • Toowoomba Art Gallery volunteers contribute a total of 2,100 hours per year.
  • Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers volunteers contribute 600 hours over Carnival.
  • Friends of the Empire Theatre - total current membership is 372. In the 2016/17 Financial Year, the Friends provided 4800 sandwiches for the Citizenship Ceremonies. They also prepared 28,150 biscuits, cakes and slices for the theatre.