parking meter

Consultation closed

Consultation has now closed on the Parking (Amendment) Subordinate Local Law (No.1) 2024.

Council will review the feedback received and thanks the community for providing their submissions.


Toowoomba Regional Council carried out a review of Subordinate Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2011. As a consequence of that review, Council has proposed to make Parking (Amendment) Subordinate Local Law (No.1) 2024.

The purpose and general effect of the amending subordinate local law is to:

  • identify a part of the local government area of Council as a traffic area; and
  • identify areas which are declared to be an off-street regulated parking area; and
  • prescribe infringement notice penalty amounts for certain minor traffic offences.

The proposed subordinate local law would allow for increases in parking fines which are set as a deterrent and intended to encourage greater compliance by motorists and ensure all residents have access to parking across Toowoomba's CBD.

The proposed penalties would align Council with similar parking penalties in neighbouring city local governments and help Council recover enforcement costs.

The proposed amendments will also update maps to more accurately reflect defined traffic areas and off-street car parks that have changed since the existing Subordinate Local Law was adopted in 2011.

Click on this link to download a copy of the proposed Parking (Amendment) Subordinate Local Law (No. 1) 2024 or download from the Document Library on the right-hand side of this page.