Toowoomba Regional Council is developing a concept plan for Smithfield Park, Harristown. The concept plan will be used to guide the future improvements of this park to a district-level standard.

The park, named after the heritage-listed 'Smithfield House', features manicured gardens that constitute aspects of the original, 300-acre residential setting and open space with play equipment, gas BBQs, picnic tables and seats, a playground and toilets.

Smithfield Park currently services the community as a Local Recreation Park and was identified as suitable to upgrade to a District Recreation Park and meet the demand of projected growth needs for the Harristown Catchment.

What's in a district recreation park?

District Recreation Parks are larger sized parks that can cater for more facilities and multiple activities in the one place, encouraging users to stay longer. District Recreation Parks cater to a broad range of end users, with embellishments typically including:

  • Spaces for park activation: play, exercise, kick-about
  • Spaces for passive recreation: picnicking, seating, shelters and barbeques
  • Pathways (for pedestrians and cyclists)
  • Associated park furniture including drink fountains, bins and bike racks
  • Toilet facilities / amenities
  • Tree and amenity plantings
  • Fencing / bollards (if considered necessary to keep vehicles out of park)
  • Park lighting (for night use)
  • Car parking

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