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Improvements to the Principal Cycleway Network

Toowoomba Regional Council is in the early stages of design for a cycleway project linking James Street to South Street.

This project will complete an important link for the cycleway route along the popular West Creek corridor, which forms part of Toowoomba’s Principal Cycle Network (PCN).

This cycleway link connects to the recently completed James street cycle underpass and the cycleway through the City Golf Club and will bring this section of cycleway up to PCN standards.

This proposed design involves:

  • A new pedestrian/cycle refuge on South Street to align with the desired path of travel.
  • A new three-metre wide shared path to the west side of Water Street.
  • Raised zebra crossing for Water Street and pedestrian refuge for a safer crossing of Long Street.
  • A new three-metre wide shared path on the east side of West Creek, providing a more direct and safer route between Long Street and Stephen Street.
  • Raised priority crossing on Stephen Street and connection to existing path network in Water Street North Park.
  • Upgrades to the existing path network in Clewley Park and linking to cycle underpass.
  • Long term options to be further explored for the intersection of Water, Long and Bashford Streets.

You can provide feedback on these designs up until 31 March 2022.

The detailed designs are expected to be completed by the end of June 2022, however timing for construction will depend on the availability of future funding.

This design project is jointly funded by Council and the Department of Transport and Main Roads through the Cycle Network Local Government Grants Program.

Council invites you to provide feedback on this project by emailing, phoning Council’s Stakeholder Engagement team on 4688 6116 or you can use the feedback form below. The design will be further refined based on the feedback from residents and other key stakeholders.

West Creek Cycleway - James Street to South Street