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Expanding the principal cycle network in Highfields
Toowoomba Regional Council is in the early stages of design for a cycleway project to expand cycleway links through Highfields, in line with Toowoomba’s Principal Cycle Network (PCN) and the Central Highfields Masterplan.
The project will be designed in two sections:
- O’Brien Road – between the new Highfields Library to the Kleinton Road/ Reis Road intersection
- Barracks Road – between Kleinton Road/Reis Road intersection to Highfields Sport and Recreation Park
This design will link from the recently constructed roundabout at the Highfields Library to the Sports Park and will be built to PCN standards. The design also takes into consideration the planned future intersection upgrades at the Highfields/ O’Brien Road intersection and Kleinton/ Reis Road intersection.
Consultation on the proposed designs was carried out during April 2022. You can view the decision letter sent to residents in November 2022 within the project document library on this page. Currently, there is no funding for the construction of this cycleway project, however if and when Council is successful in receiving construction funding, further consultation with the Highfields community will be undertaken.
This project is jointly funded by Council and the Department of Transport and Main Roads through the Cycle Network Local Government Grants Program.
What will the cycleways look like?
O’Brien Road
- Due to some existing restraints in the area, the current design of the cycleway on O’Brien Road will be a mix of a three metre wide, two-way cycle track and the existing 2.5 metre mixed use footpath outside of Highfields Secondary College.
- The on-street parking on O’Brien Road in front of Charles and Motee Rogers Reserve is proposed to be removed to allow for the construction of the cycleway.
- The preferred alignment for the cycleway has been selected to ensure there will be no impact to the existing vegetation within the Charles Motee Reserve.
Barracks Road
- The cycleway along Barracks Road is proposed to
include a ‘green bridge’ to cross Klein Creek and a timber boardwalk
linking to the formed section of Barracks Road. Both the bridge and
boardwalk will be constructed sympathetically to minimise the impacts to
the significant flora and fauna in this area.
- The rest of Barracks Road east of the boardwalk to Kulhs Road/ Cabarlah Park Road intersection, is proposed to become a 7.5-metre-wide Cycle Street, a concept that is widely used on local roads in countries around the world.
What is a Cycle Street?
- A Cycle Street is essentially a shared space where cyclists and vehicles mix in a low-speed environment and vehicles only overtake a cyclist when it is safe to do so.
- The Cycle Street features treatments such as coloured surfacing to highlight the shared street space, signs to show that cyclists have priority over other traffic and a 30km/h speed limit to improve safety for all users.
- It is proposed to provide dedicated kerbside parking in front of the existing residential areas.

Proposed design for Barracks Road Cycle Street